It’s almost the middle of March and I’m only now getting around to writing about my theme for the year. Considering the state of the world, a lot of things feel completely pointless but drowning in complete despair doesn’t help anyone either. Help where you can and donate if you can (my contributions went to Läkare utan gränser/Doctors without boarders).
My theme for 2022 is simply make art! I have notebooks full of ideas from the past few years that I never get around to realising because of a millions reasons and well, life! So this year I want to prioritise making art. I’m not sure what form this will take yet but it will most likely involve fibres and textiles. I’m gonna work really hard not to let my inner critic and the fear of judgement from others stop me from creating. It’s not gonna be easy but things worth doing rarely are, right? What else can I say? Wish me luck!